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Školní program INPP

Program rozvojového pohybu INPP pro použití ve školách byl navržen speciálně pro použití ve školách se skupinami dětí v průběhu jednoho akademického roku.

Sally vysvětluje školní program a doprovodnou knihu, Posouzení neuromotorické připravenosti na učení 

 ve videu níže.

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The INPP Developmental Movement Programme for use in Schools has been designed specifically to be used in schools with groups of children over the course of one academic year. Exercises from the INPP programme for schools should not be used out of context with individual children. Professionals wishing to use INPP exercises with individual children should attend the INPP Practitioner Training Course. 


Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice.


The publication and training day include tests to assess children’s neuromotor skills, a developmental movement programme, and online access to INPP video training materials.


  • Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice.

  • Places emphasis on assessing children’s physical development and understanding how neuromotor skills pro- vide physical foundations for learning success.

  • Includes a physical intervention programme designed for use in schools (6+ years).

For excerpts from reports provided by some schools and local authorities where the INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme has been used...


A full list of research published in peer reviewed journals based on use of the same programme can be found below.

INPP Schoool Programme Research

Published Peer Reviewed Research

based on

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning

The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme


Goddard Blythe SA., 2005. Releasing educational potential through movement,  A summary of individual studies carried out using the INPP Test Battery and Developmental Exercise Programme for use in Schools with Children with Special Needs.
Child Care in Practice.11/4:415.432. 2005

Goddard Blythe SA, 2011. Neuromotor maturity as an indicator of developmental readiness for education. Report on the use of a Neuro-Motor Test Battery and Developmental Movement Programme in schools in Northumberland and Berkshire. 2011. IN: Movement, Vision, Hearing – The Basis of Learning. Ewa Maria Kulesza (Ed). Wydawninctwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im> Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Warszawa.

Zielińska M & Goddard Blythe SA. 2018. School functioning of students with neuromotor immaturity. International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies journal homepage: Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020, pp. 40-46 International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies. journal homepage: ISSN: 2392-0092,

​Goddard Blythe SA & Lunina N., 2020.  Assessing neuromotor readiness for learning. Modern methods of prevention and correction of developmental disorders for children: Tradition and innovation: Sat. materials of the II International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, October 22-23, 2020. eds. O. N. Usanova. - M .: Kogito-Center - Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2020 .--  pp. 11-23. ISBN 978-5-89353-607-2

Goddard Blythe SA, Duncombe R, Preedy P & Gorely T., 2021. Neuromotor readiness for school: the primitive reflex status of young children at the start and end of their first year at school in the United Kingdom. 2021. Education 3-13/ International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education.

Kalemba A,  Lorent M,  Goddard Blythe SA  and Gieysztor, E., 2023. The Correlation between Residual Primitive Reflexes and Clock Reading Difficulties in School-Aged Children—A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  2023, 20, 2322. ijerph2003232

Goddard Blythe SA., 2023. Are Immature Neuromotor Skills Significant Factors in Educational Under-achievement and Special Educational Needs? Literature review of the role of Primitive Reflexes as Indicators and Measures of Neuromotor Immaturity. Goddard Blythe, Sally. Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, Wielka Brytania. Szkoła Specjalna.  2023-04-30.

Infante-Can ̃etea, L.   Aguilar-Guerrerob, B.  Wallace-Ruiza, A. Effect of a psychoeducational intervention on motor and perceptual-visual development through the inhibition of primitive reflexes in schoolchildren aged 4 to 7 years old. Revista  Psicodidáctica 28: 182-189.

Children (Neurodevelopmental Education, INPP, Reflex Integration, Primitive Reflexes
Sally Goddard Blythe:  Author & Consultant in the field of Neurodevelopmental Education, INPP, Reflex Integration

Ústav pro neurofyziologickou psychologii
1 Stanley Street

Tel/Fax 01244 311414

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