Director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) from 2000 – 2024, Sally is author of 8 books on children’s motor development, the first of which has become the “go to” book on the role and impact of childhood reflexes.
INPP was established as a private research, clinical and training organisation in 1975, dedicated to the development of assessment procedures to identify underlying physical factors in specific learning difficulties and underachievement. Sally’s primary work has been in clinical practise supervising INPP programmes with children and their families.
In 1996 she developed the INPP screening test and developmental movement programme for use in schools which has been used extensively in schools in the United Kingdom and many parts of the world making the programme accessible to children in the public education sector. She has also led the standardising of training materials used in INPP approved courses in the application of the INPP method throughout the world.
Training in the method is available in 14 countries with the practitioner course recognised in 2018 as being equivalent to 60 post graduate credit points. Sally has lectured and provided training on the role of infant reflexes in development and later learning problems to many different groups throughout Europe including to a working party on child well-being at the European Parliament in Brussels, a cross party committee at the House of Commons and to professional groups in different parts of the United States.
She has authored a number of research papers on the incidence and impact of immature neuromotor skills on development and educational achievement
Her current work focuses on private practise, lecturing, interviews, research and consultancy.

““Every child is different and every culture nurtures different strengths and values in its members. Within these individual differences there is a common theme, the theme of development - the universal factor shared by all children whatever their background and whatever their future.”"
Sally Goddard Blythe
The Well Balanced Child