A third of children behind in development when starting school is not new
Learning Opportunity at the Autism Parenting Summit
Incidence of Children with Additional Learning Needs in the United Kingdom 2024
Getting ready for school, reflecting on the summer
Respecting the pace of childhood
Children's Screen time. What every parent should know.
Neurological Correlation of Dyspraxia: The Role of Primitive Reflex Integration
Neurological Correlation of Dyspraxia. The Role of Primitive reflexes in the presentation of dyspraxia
Five minutes of Reading a Day benefits mental Well being
One in four children starting school in England and Wales aren't toilet-trained and many others struggle to listen and respond to basic instructions, a charity has warned. 5 News'
New Podcast from "The Brain Health Movement"
World Book Day To read a book, first you need to be able to read
Is systemic use of AI already in control of our lives?
Recent report from School in Spain based on use of the INPP Programme for Schools
The Universal language of Children
Meet Experts Helping Families with Autism Thrive
Is diagnosis and self-diagnosis of ADHD reaching epidemic proportions?
INPP Supervision Days 2024
Article published in Special Children
New Study Links Motor Deficiencies to Children with Dyslexia