By Sally Goddard Blythe
"The study, writing and sharing of my research has been both a great challenge and a great pleasure of my life. It is my hope that these publications would make a lasting difference in the field of child development and neuro-developmental education."
* FEATURE: Newest Releases
1. General Readership
2. Professional Readership
3. General & Professional Readership
4. Chronological Listing
The links for purchase of books are directed to publisher websites although books can also be found on Amazon and other booksellers. Some titles have been translated into other languages for worldwide distribution
Newest Releases
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning
Newly released
2nd Edition
The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and information about online access to INPP video training materials.
Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice
Expands and revises an INPP manual which has previously only been available to training customers, and which is a foundation stone of the overall INPP approach
Places emphasis on children's physical development and how neuro-motor skills provide the foundations for learning success.
The package includes batteries of tests for younger and older children, a developmental movement programme
This book may be supported and enhanced by INPP video training materials and score sheets, available for download purchase from the INPP website

I am delighted with this new book from Sally Goddard, an authority and tireless advocate of the fundamental role of the early reflexes in learning. Her clear and concise explanations help demystify many of the behaviors and difficulties children exhibit during their development. Readers in search for ways to maximize the child abilities and facilitate school readiness will greatly benefit from Sally’s insights and extensive experience.
This is a ‘must read’ book for parents, educators, and childcare professional interested in a ‘bottom up’ approach to learning and who view the child’s wellbeing as key for optimizing their performance.
Paul Madaule, Founder of The Listening Centre, Toronto, Author of When Listening Comes Alive (1993, updated e-book version 2015)
Provides a readable yet comprehensive overview of primitive and neonatal reflexes and postural control. These are holistically integrated into descriptions of human senses, neural structures and systems, along with their relevance for learning delays, disorders, and psychological conditions. Her expositions and recommendations draw on empirical-scientific analysis, many years of therapeutic experience, and a phenomenological-symptomology, offering readers from wide ranging backgrounds her unique theoretical and therapeutic insights into reflexes and learning.
Associate Professor Sebastian Suggate, University of York

Reflexes, Movement, Learning & Behaviour
Analysing & unblocking
neuro-Motor immaturity
Exploring 50 Years of research in the field of Neuro-Developmental Education
• How neuro-motor immaturity influences physical, behavioural, learning and emotional blockages in children and adults
• Pioneering, up-to-date research into how primitive and postural reflexes affect learning and emotional wellbeing
• Why physical development matters for school readiness and learning success
• Recognising neuromotor immaturity — signs, symptoms and behaviours
• What can be done? Case studies, screening, neuromotor training, sensory programmes, action songs and movement.
At a time when parents and professionals emphasise and analyse school readiness and learning yet children are the most sedentary in history, Sally Goddard Blythe has put the horse back before the cart. Physical literacy and movement have always been the poor cousin to proper cerebral learning, until now. This book provides an excellent comprehensive overview of this emerging area.
Dr Aric Sigman, child health education lecturer, author of Getting Physical, winner of The Times Educational Supplement's Information Book Award.
Every ounce of Sally Goddard Blythe's passion and commitment to her career-long quest to analyse and unblock neuro-motor immaturity is captured in this book. It is essential reading for anyone wanting the fullest picture of this important field.
Mike Boulton, Emeritus Professor of child psychology at the University of Chester.
If you view a learner as just a brain carried around by a body, it is rather like servicing a car engine without checking the brakes and tyres. That might be fine, but often you will waste fuel and occasionally you will crash. Sally is one of the leading experts in understanding how the body and mind work together, how to spot where there is a problem and then what to do about it. These issues are not simple, but they are important for thousands of children. Reflexes, Movement, Learning and Behaviour will give you a comprehensive resource to work with.
David Morgan, creator of the Easyread System and All Aboard Phonics.
1. General Readership
Movement your child's first language
How movement and music assists brain development in children aged 3-7 years
Movement, Your Child’s First Language challenges our mainstream assumptions about early development and learning with a rich distillation of perennial wisdom and cutting-edge science. In this revolutionary new book, Sally Goddard Blythe eschews politically-correct accelerationism with her refreshing focus on children’s real age-appropriate needs – as opposed to the ones that impatient adults think they should have.
Based on whole-body approaches to learning developed by Sally Goddard Blythe and Michael Lazarev, Movement, Your Child’s First Language gives us an essential overview of child growth from age three to seven years. It explains why movement and music are essential for healthy brain development and learning, and includes tried and tested activities for helping children become school ready. Sally describes the neonatal reflexes, how children learn with their bodies, and explains the hidden dangers of speeding up childhood.
Two CDs within the book include 10 songs by Michael Lazarev and Goddard Blythe’s exercises that provide creative and enjoyable music and movement activities to help develop coordination and language skills, while the narrated action-stories and nursery rhymes will encourage children to move, listen, and learn.
This invaluable resource is suitable for use by parents, nursery providers, teachers, trainee teachers, early-years educators, health visitors, paediatricians, special needs teachers and educational psychologists.
“This book is simply essential for all parents and educators who really care about the well-being of children and the future of humanity”— Sylvie Hetu, International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) Educational Coordinator, Co-founder of the international Massage in Schools Programme.

Raising Happy Healthy children
Why mothering matters

Raising Happy Healthy Children is a fully-updated second edition of What Children and Babies Really Need. With new information carefully added, this book examines the crucial early years from a child’s perspective. It draws on the latest scientific research to show how the first few years determine the way children develop, body and mind, for the rest of their lives.
The keys to this development are parents, and in particular mothers. A society which really cares for its children, says Sally Goddard Blythe, values parents and makes it possible for them to spend time and be actively involved with their children for at least the first two years of life. Raising Happy Healthy Children presents convincing research to show how a baby’s relationship with its mother has a lasting, deep impact. Recent social changes, such as delayed motherhood, juggling of work/life balance, limited uptake of breastfeeding, and use of parent-substitute baby equipment and electronic devices, are interfering with key developmental milestones that are essential for wellbeing in later life. Sally Goddard Blythe says: ‘We need a society that gives children their parents, and most of all values motherhood in the early years.’
Latest research about pre-conceptual, baby and child development.
How social changes have unleashed a crisis in the experience of childhood.
The crucial early years and child development from the child’s perspective
How parents can give their child the best start in life.
The importance of motherhood.
‘Provides parents with the information they need to raise healthy, balanced, resilient children… Above all it demonstrates that what babies and children really need is the time, love and attention of the loving adults in their lives.’— Marie Peacock, former Chair of MAHM (Mothers At Home Matter), from the Foreword
The Genius of Natural Childhood
Secrets of thriving children
Fifty-five per cent of parents admit they never read to their child. Toddlers watch 4.5 hours of TV daily. More children are obese, enter school developmentally delayed and need special education. So Sally Goddard Blythe draws on neuroscience to unpack the wisdom of nursery rhymes, playing traditional games and fairy stories for healthy child development. She explains why movement matters and how games develop children’s skills at different stages of development. She offers a starter kit of stories, action games, songs and rhymes.
“Sally Goddard Blythe is an inspiration to the growing number of people who see a genuinely ‘holistic developmental’ perspective as essential to understanding and supporting young children. Here, you will find the simple virtues of ‘music and movement’ and child-raising wisdom allied with the latest neuroscientific insights to show just why the ‘old-fashioned’, pre-technological ways often had it right all along.” —Dr Richard House, Research Centre for Therapeutic Education, Roehampton University

The Well Balanced Child
Movement and early learning
The Well Balanced Child is a passionate manifesto for a “whole body” approach to learning which integrates the brain, senses, movement and play. This fully revised edition includes a new chapter with a story and movement exercise that parents can use to help children reach their potential.
This practical, inspirational resource will help parents and educators to understand:
why movement matters
how music helps brain development
the role of nutrition, the brain and child growth
how to help children with learning and behaviour problems
Early Morning by the Pond – exercises and movements with children
“Goddard Blythe’s recommendations include music and singing, reading, conversation, optimum nutrition and family meals. In fact, she concludes, the classic Enid Blyton childhood, with country picnics, nursery rhymes and cod-liver oil, had an awful lot going for it.” —The Times
“A strong book with important messages about early years learning.” — The Teacher
“A magnificently titled and highly informative book skillfully written by a dedicated therapist.” —Harold Levinson, MD; Director, Levinson Medical Centre for Learning Disabilities
2. Professional Readership
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning
Newly released
2nd Edition
The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and information about online access to INPP video training materials.
Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice
Expands and revises an INPP manual which has previously only been available to training customers, and which is a foundation stone of the overall INPP approach
Places emphasis on children's physical development and how neuro-motor skills provide the foundations for learning success.
The package includes batteries of tests for younger and older children, a developmental movement programme
This book may be supported and enhanced by INPP video training materials and score sheets, available for download purchase from the INPP website

Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults
The INPP Screening Test for Clinicians and Health Practitioners
Available to healthcare professionals for the first time, this book contains proven screening tests to measure neuromotor immaturity in children and adults in order to provide a basis for referral and help.
Allows practitioners to screen for disorders of movement that can negatively affect educational performance and emotional function in children and adolescents
Assesses instances where disorders of movement in adults are affecting thoughts and behavior, as in panic disorder
Provides a novel approach for health care professionals observing aberrant reflexes in the absence of more serious pathology
Includes reproducible scoring and observation sheets for practice and serves as the perfect complement to Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning
3. General & Professional Readership
Attention, Balance and Coordination
The A.B.C. of Learning Success
An updated edition of the definitive handbook on the physical basis for learning for professionals involved in education and child development, written by the respected author of acclaimed titles in the field.
A comprehensive overview of the relationship between neuromotor maturity and physical development on learning outcomes and behaviour in childhood and later life
Explores why early reflexes are important, their functions in early development, their effects on learning and behavior if retained, and the possible effects on other aspects of development
Brings together a specialist body of knowledge and makes it accessible to anyone involved in treating the symptoms of specific learning difficulties and emotional problems.
Includes new information on the role of the vestibular system in anxiety and agoraphobia, a new chapter of case studies, and an Epilogue placing the INPP Method in a broader scientific context
"[An] important book.... Provides a new insight into the source of many elusive problems which interfere with effective learning.... Highly Recommended." (SEN Magazine, January 2010)

I am delighted with this new book from Sally Goddard, an authority and tireless advocate of the fundamental role of the early reflexes in learning. Her clear and concise explanations help demystify many of the behaviors and difficulties children exhibit during their development. Readers in search for ways to maximize the child abilities and facilitate school readiness will greatly benefit from Sally’s insights and extensive experience.
This is a ‘must read’ book for parents, educators, and childcare professional interested in a ‘bottom up’ approach to learning and who view the child’s wellbeing as key for optimizing their performance.
Paul Madaule, Founder of The Listening Centre, Toronto, Author of When Listening Comes Alive (1993, updated e-book version 2015)
Provides a readable yet comprehensive overview of primitive and neonatal reflexes and postural control. These are holistically integrated into descriptions of human senses, neural structures and systems, along with their relevance for learning delays, disorders, and psychological conditions. Her expositions and recommendations draw on empirical-scientific analysis, many years of therapeutic experience, and a phenomenological-symptomology, offering readers from wide ranging backgrounds her unique theoretical and therapeutic insights into reflexes and learning.
Associate Professor Sebastian Suggate, University of York

Reflexes, Movement, Learning & Behaviour
Analysing & unblocking
neuro-Motor immaturity
Addressing 50 years of research in the field of Neuro-Developmental Education
• How neuro-motor immaturity influences physical, behavioural, learning and emotional blockages in children and adults
• Pioneering, up-to-date research into how primitive and postural reflexes affect learning and emotional wellbeing
• Why physical development matters for school readiness and learning success
• Recognising neuromotor immaturity — signs, symptoms and behaviours
• What can be done? Case studies, screening, neuromotor training, sensory programmes, action songs and movement.
At a time when parents and professionals emphasise and analyse school readiness and learning yet children are the most sedentary in history, Sally Goddard Blythe has put the horse back before the cart. Physical literacy and movement have always been the poor cousin to proper cerebral learning, until now. This book provides an excellent comprehensive overview of this emerging area.
Dr Aric Sigman, child health education lecturer, author of Getting Physical, winner of The Times Educational Supplement's Information Book Award.
Every ounce of Sally Goddard Blythe's passion and commitment to her career-long quest to analyse and unblock neuro-motor immaturity is captured in this book. It is essential reading for anyone wanting the fullest picture of this important field.
Mike Boulton, Emeritus Professor of child psychology at the University of Chester.
If you view a learner as just a brain carried around by a body, it is rather like servicing a car engine without checking the brakes and tyres. That might be fine, but often you will waste fuel and occasionally you will crash. Sally is one of the leading experts in understanding how the body and mind work together, how to spot where there is a problem and then what to do about it. These issues are not simple, but they are important for thousands of children. Reflexes, Movement, Learning and Behaviour will give you a comprehensive resource to work with.
David Morgan, creator of the Easyread System and All Aboard Phonics.
Chronological Listing
A teacher’s window into the child’s mind. 1996 (out of print)
Fern Ridge Press. Eugene, OR.
Reflexes, learning and behavior. 2002 (out of print)
Fern Ridge Press. Eugene. OR.
The Well Balanced Child
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
What babies and children really need. 2008 (out of print)
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
Attention balance and coordination. The ABC of learning success. 2009 and 2017
Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester.
The genius of natural childhood. 2011.
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
Assessing neuromotor readiness for learning. The INPP developmental screening test and school intervention programme. 2012.
Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester.
Neuromotor immaturity in children and adults. The INPP screening test for clinicians and health practitioners. 2014
Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester.
Raising happy healthy children. Why mothering matters. 2017.
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
Movement your child’s first language.2018.
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
Reflexes, Movement, Learning and Behavoiur. 2023
Hawthorn Press. Stroud.
Assessing neuromotor readiness for learning. 2nd Edition
The INPP developmental screening test and school intervention programme. 2024.
Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester.