Sally will be presenting and lecturing at a number of courses, seminars and conferences in the next few months: Events highlighed in bold type may have places available on application. For further information about specific events visit or telephone 01244 311414 during normal office hours
October 27th – 5th November 2009 INPP condensed training course for students fron overseas
15th November 2009 Day Course in the use The INPP School Progmme, Paphos, Cyprus
20th November 2009 Day Seminar for the Post Adoptive Association, Exeter.
4th and 5th December 2009 Annual supervision days for INPP practitoners, The Blossoms Hotel, St John’s Street, Chester
January 7th and 8th 2010 London based reviews
January 18th – 22nd 2010 Module 2 of The INPP Training Course
January 29th 2010 1 Day Course for Teachers in Chester
March 15th – 19th 2010 Module 3 of The INPP Training Course
March 26th 2010 1 Day Course for Teachers in Chester
April 10th and 11th 2010 INPP Conference in Miami, Florida. For further information about this conference contact
May 7th 2010 ISC SEN Conference, Sunningdale
May 26th 2010 Early Years Education Conference, Institute of Education, London
June 4th 2010 Day Course for Teachers, Chester
June 7th – 9th 2010 Module 4 of The INPP Training Course
October 9th and 10th International Association of Infant Massage Conference