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Movement. Your Child’s First Language

“Coming Soon” Autumn 2018

Based on whole body approaches to learning developed by Sally Goddard Blythe and Michael Lazarev, this book give us an essential overview of child development up to 7 years of age. It explains why movement and music are essential for healthy brain development and learning, and includes tried and tested exercises for helping children develop school readiness. Sally describes the neonatal reflexes and how children learn with their bodies, and explains the danger of speeding up childhood. Michael Lazarev’s 10 songs and exercises (CDs included) provide music and movement activities to help develop coordination and language skills

Suitable for parents, teachers, early years educators, health visitors, paediatricians, special needs teachers and educational psychologists.

(The previously advertised, ‘Born to Move’ has been withdrawn by Hawthorn Press from formal publication and sale to the book trade, because of unexpected trademark issues. However copies are still available for personal purchase sale from (0845 370 0063) or INPP at two copies for the price of one copy @£20 (plus p&p) until the end of June 2018. If you would like to purchase a copy privately from INPP, please place your order by email or telephone: or 0044(0) 1244 311414).



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